Destocking, agistment and leasing (01/23)

A lack of early planning and preparation for drought is often the main factor leading to management problems for livestock producers.

A lack of early planning and preparation for drought is often the main factor leading to management problems for livestock producers. It is essential to develop a sound plan before a drought takes hold, with nominated dates that trigger actions and decisions. This will help maintain environmental, financial, mental and animal health.

Dry seasons that may or may not extend to droughts are a common feature of Australian climatic conditions. While it can be hard to distinguish between a normal dry season and a drought, the slow onset of drought allows a sound, well thought out and staged management plan to be developed.

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Drought Research Reports

Long-Term Livestock Feed Storage (04/24)

Livestock feed prices usually follow the laws of supply and demand with costs for both the feed and transport spiking as demand rises.

Staffing during droughts (03/24)

Retaining a skilled workforce is critical to ensuring the sustainability of rural communities.

Soil health (02/24)

Healthy soil looks different from region to region, farm to farm and sometimes even paddock to paddock.

Making hay and silage (01/24)

Quality hay and how to make it

Annual Reviews

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