Maintaining mental health during drought (12/22)

In any given year, one in five Australians will experience symptoms of mental illness and about 60% won’t seek help.

Mental illness is prevalent throughout Australia, with over one in five Australians aged between 16 - 85 years (43.7 per cent or 8.6 million people) having experienced a mental illness at some point in their life. In any given year, one in five Australians will experience symptoms of mental illness and about 60% won’t seek help. Generally, over 75% of mental health problems tend to occur before the age of 2. Unfortunately, as a result, suicide is the leading cause of death in males aged 18 - 24, which surpasses the number of male deaths related to car accidents. Overall, suicide kills more Australians than skin cancer.

Mental illness is a clinically diagnosable disorder which interferes with someone's cognitive, emotional or social abilities. Mental health encompasses a range of illnesses including anxiety, depression and substance use disorder. Mental health is impacted by several socioeconomic factors which include access to services, living conditions and employment status. It is important to acknowledge mental health not only impacts

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Drought Research Reports

Shade options for livestock (04/23)

During periods of drought, the risk of animals experiencing heat stress is increased, especially if they are also being fed in confinement areas.

Feeding livestock efficiently (03/23)

During a drought when pasture and paddock feed sources are low, droughtlotting, also known as confinement or containment feeding, is an effective management tool to maintain the health and welfare of livestock.

Pasture and ground cover during drought (02/23)

Feed on Offer (FOO) is a measure of the amount or quantity of pasture available for grazing animals at any one time.

Destocking, agistment and leasing (01/23)

A lack of early planning and preparation for drought is often the main factor leading to management problems for livestock producers.

Annual Reviews

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