Making hay and silage (01/24)

Quality hay and how to make it

Hay production needs to be managed with a similar attention to detail as farmers give their regular crops. Early and informed decisions are important for hay production and to prevent ending up with poor quality hay. Hay tends to be a more versatile option than silage, as it is cheaper to produce and transport on a dry matter basis than silage. Storing excess hay is a cheap and effective option to help mitigate the effects of short feed supply during drought.

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Drought Research Reports

Maintaining mental health during drought (12/22)

In any given year, one in five Australians will experience symptoms of mental illness and about 60% won’t seek help.

Livestock feed requirements (11/22)

When finances are stretched and there is limited feed available, it is important to be prepared and plan early so decision making is easier.

Livestock water requirements (09/22)

Australia’s variable climate means it is vital to have adequate water available to meet the broad range of water requirements on a property.

Asking for help and where to find it (10/22)

Australia’s variable climate means it is vital to have adequate water available to meet the broad range of water requirements on a property.

Annual Reviews

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