Options for portable livestock handling equipment (06/24)

Several options available to producers to ensure that livestock are handled safely and efficiently.

During a drought or in the recovery period immediately following a prolonged dry spell, producers may find themselves running livestock on a property or leased country where livestock handling equipment is inadequate or non-existent.

There are several options available to producers, from buying and hiring equipment to using contractors, to ensure that livestock are handled safely and efficiently in these situations.

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Drought Research Reports

Maintaining mental health during drought (12/22)

In any given year, one in five Australians will experience symptoms of mental illness and about 60% won’t seek help.

Livestock feed requirements (11/22)

When finances are stretched and there is limited feed available, it is important to be prepared and plan early so decision making is easier.

Livestock water requirements (09/22)

Australia’s variable climate means it is vital to have adequate water available to meet the broad range of water requirements on a property.

Asking for help and where to find it (10/22)

Australia’s variable climate means it is vital to have adequate water available to meet the broad range of water requirements on a property.

Annual Reviews

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