Pasture and ground cover during drought (02/23)

Feed on Offer (FOO) is a measure of the amount or quantity of pasture available for grazing animals at any one time.

Feed on Offer (FOO) is a measure of the amount or quantity of pasture available for grazing animals at any one time. It is measured in kilograms of dry matter per hectare (kg DM/ha). Pasture quality or digestibility is measured as megajoules of metabolisable energy per kilogram of dry matter (MJ ME/kg DM).

Both FOO and pasture quality will determine the predicted growth rate of livestock at their stage of production. Pasture quality is generally more important than quantity as livestock can reach a maximum intake but still not be receiving adequate nutrition for production and growth or even just maintenance.

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Drought Research Reports

Restocking strategies (12/23)

Animal health considerations when restocking

Drought budgeting and banking (10/23)

Drought takes a toll on farmers whether it be physically, financially or emotionally

Animal health in drought (09/23)

Cattle and sheep can be more vulnerable to the effects of parasites and infectious diseases during droughts due to lower immunity associated with poor nutrition and increased transmission from animals being closer to each other.

Annual Reviews

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