Resilient Communities In Dry Times (05/24)

Resilience is seen as a buzzword of disaster responses. For some, “building resilience” is seen as an excuse for governments to opt out of providing support during dry times or following disruptions such as fire or flood.

Resilience involves being able to withstand, adapt to and recover from adversity, according to the Australian Local Government Association. It doesn’t necessarily mean “bouncing back” to the status quo that existed before a disruptive event such as drought.

Rather, a resilient community is able to learn from disruptive experiences and plan, adapt and change to be better able to meet future challenges.

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Drought Research Reports

Restocking strategies (12/23)

Animal health considerations when restocking

Drought budgeting and banking (10/23)

Drought takes a toll on farmers whether it be physically, financially or emotionally

Animal health in drought (09/23)

Cattle and sheep can be more vulnerable to the effects of parasites and infectious diseases during droughts due to lower immunity associated with poor nutrition and increased transmission from animals being closer to each other.

Annual Reviews

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