Staffing during droughts (03/24)

Retaining a skilled workforce is critical to ensuring the sustainability of rural communities.

During drought, families often have no other option other than to relocate to other areas to seek employment which can lead to a skills shortage. The retraction of staff during periods of drought can have a significant impact on farm businesses particularly after the drought has broken and businesses enter the recovery phase.

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Drought Research Reports

Feed grain storage options (08/23)

Sustaining stock in dry times can involve bringing high-energy feeds onto the farm.

Water infrastructure – opportunities in dry times (07/23)

Why do dams fail? Regular inspection and maintenance are key to maximise the lifespan of dams.

Water infrastructure (06/23)

Water infrastructure: pumping, transfer and storage options

Weather forecasts - sources and interpretation (05/23)

Australia has several climatic regions which are affected by many different weather systems.

Annual Reviews

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